Grow with the intuitive features

We provide intuitive features in our software that helps childcare centers save time and improve efficiency – so that you can focus on what’s really important: the children.

Communication with Parent

The YounCare App offers video calling as one of its many features. This allows caregivers and parents to communicate with each other in real time, no matter where they are. video calling can be very helpful in cases where there is a need for immediate communication. Plus, it’s a great way to connect with your children even when you’re not able to be around them in person.

Another great feature of the YounCare App is voicecalling. This allows parents to talk to their children directly without having to switch over to text or chat mode. It’s also perfect for when you want to keep the conversation confidential – your child won’t be able to eavesdrop on what you’re saying.

Finally, photo and video sharing is another great way to connect with your family members. Through this feature, you can share photos and videos of your child with your caregivers, which will help make them feel more connected to your child and provide them with a visual representation of what’s going on during care-time.

Child Activities Monitoring

The YoungCare app is a great tool for keeping track of your child’s activities at daycare. With this app, you can easily add and remove activities, set reminders, and view the activity schedule.

Activity management is one of the most important aspects of being a good parent – it helps you to keep track of what your child is doing and makes sure that they are getting the right amount of exercise. The YoungCare app makes it easy to add new activities and keep track of how often your child is performing them. It also provides you with reports that show you how much exercise your child is getting and remind you when it’s time for their next activity.

Manage Your Center

Our childcare center management app is designed to help you with your daily operations. With this app, you can easily keep track of your center’s schedule, attendance, and finances.

Some of the features included in our app include:

  • Schedule management: You can easily view your center’s current and past schedules, as well as make changes to them if necessary.

  • Attendance tracking: Our app will automatically send you reminders about how many children are expected to attend each day, and it will also keep track of whether or not they have arrived on time.

  • Financial tracking: Our app will provide you with a summary of your center’s income and expenses every month.

Activity Reminders

The “activity reminder” feature is a great way for parents or caregivers to make sure that a child doesn’t forget important things, like taking medicine. By setting reminders, parents or caregivers can be sure that their children are following the instructions they’re given.

The activity reminder features also allows caregivers to see which activities their children are engaging in and track their progress over time. This information can help caregivers see which activities are providing the most value and help them plan future sessions accordingly. Plus, it’s helpful for parents or caregivers to have ongoing reports on how well their children are doing overall.

Class Management

The class management feature of the YoungCare app is designed to make your life easier. You can manage your classrooms, assign children to class and also assign caregivers to a specific class. This makes it easy for you to keep track of who’s in what class and when they should be back.

Online Fess and Payments

At your childcare centre, you can set up fees for parents. They’ll get notifications and reminders to pay fees, which they can do online through the app.

This system is very convenient for both parents and the childcare centre – as it saves both time and money. Parents will never have to worry about forgetting to pay their fees, because they’ll always have access to the website and app where they can do it quickly and easily. Additionally, the childcare centre will be able to keep track of all payments made, so that they know exactly how much money they have left in their account.

Start your free trial now!

Please share your details so we can set up a free demo of our childcare app for you to review. Our unique features can help you save time and grow your childcare center.